apple pie overnight oats


This post is sponsored by Joyya Ultrafiltered Milk. You can also learn more and follow along with Joyya on Instagram and facebook! The opinions on this blog, as always are my own. Thank you so much for supporting the brands that keep me baking!

Hello friends! Today we’re talking about overnight oats, one of my very favourite breakfasts of all time. I know a lot of people might find oatmeal a bit boring, but I love adding goodies to mine to keep things interesting! I truly believe that everyone can find a flavour combo that they love.

One of my favourites is making "apple pie" overnight oats, with cut up apple, warm spices, and sometimes I’ll even throw in some nuts or cranberries too. It's so fun to change these flavours up seasonally, and I cannot wait to roast some rhubarb up in spring to layer on top (if you’ve been here for a while, then you’ll know about my obsession with rhubarb...ha!). And I always try and make sure to get a serving of protein in at breakfast time, and I love that using Joyya Ultrafiltered Milk does that! Joyya has 75% more protein than traditional milk, and 25% less lactose (sugar) and is 100% Canadian (Yay Canadian farmers!!). How do they do that you say? First, they take fresh Canadian milk, and then they pass it through a bunch of specialized filters. This separates the milk components, and means that the natural protein and calcium in milk are concentrated, and the natural sugar (lactose) is reduced. Science!

This time of year always has people thinking about resolutions, and often healthier choices. I love that overnight oats are such an easy routine to get into, as you prepare them the night before, and they’re all ready to go in the morning with no extra work! I’ll often even make them in a mason jar with a lid, that I can easily take with me and eat on my way to work, or even later in the morning when I’m feeling hungrier. Also, I know a lot of people have committed to consuming fewer meat products as part of their New Year’s Resolution, and I think Joyya Ultrafiltered Milk is such a great alternative for getting in some extra protein! It has 16 grams per cup, which is pretty rad. I’m 100% in favour of simple, sustainable changes for a healthier life, and that doesn't mean we have to sacrifice tasty food to do that! Also, a PSA: Joyya Ultrafiltered Milk comes in chocolate’re welcome.

apple pie overnight oats

servings: 1

prep: 5 minutes
total passive time: evening to the next morning (can be 6-12 hours, any longer and the oats may become soggy)


1/2 cup rolled oats

1 tablespoon ground flax seed

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/8 teaspoon apple pie spice or allspice

1/8 teaspoon ground ginger

1/2 cup Joyya Ultrafiltered Milk 2%

1 teaspoon sweetener (maple syrup, honey, brown sugar, etc)


1/2 apple - sliced or diced

optional: chopped pecans or walnuts, natural nut butters, dried cranberries


Prepare overnight oats the evening before the morning you would like to enjoy them!

In a bowl or jar, stir together rolled oats, flax seed, and spices until combined. Pour Joyya Ultrafiltered Milk over top, add sweetener, and stir. Cover bowl (I used a beeswax wrap on top), or place lid on jar, and place in the fridge overnight.

The next morning, add a splash more Joyya Ultrafiltered Milk if you desire. Chop up 1/2 an apple, I prefer something tart, and place on top. Add extra toppings such as nuts, nut butter, or dried cranberries if so desired. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Happy overnight oat making!