Hello, I'm Kelsey!  And I'm so glad you're here.


I grew up on a beautiful farm in the idyllic Fraser Valley in BC, Canada, and work there alongside my parents. 

Apples, plums, pears, pumpkins, squash, potatoes, corn, and more.

I come from a long line of bakers and farmers, and think that there is nothing as satisfying as harvesting your own produce.  It's been hugely influential in my life and  how I view food, and I love using fresh, local produce when I can.  From kneading bread, to braiding pie dough, baking is therapy for me...and has given my scientific brain an outlet for creativity.  Baking is a science after all.


Food is my love language....so stay a while, and let me love you.


I have a BSc. from UBC in Geographical Biogeosciences (say that 5x fast), specializing in geomorphology and ecology, and have always had a love for growing things, rocks, meteorites, volcanoes, etc.  Now I get to play in the dirt and get paid for it...so that's a win win.

Favourite things:
salted caramel anything, sour cream doughnuts, pumpkins, popcorn, cats, stormy nights, Scotland, fairytales, and foggy Fall mornings.


Still want to know more?
I can’t stop buying new houseplants, and I always have cake in my freezer.   I'm an introvert, but have slowly grown out of my shyness.  I only started drinking coffee after university, and I still only drink lattes (mostly i love flavoured milk with a splash of coffee…ha!).  I love to travel and adore eating my way through new cities, but am honestly happiest on the farm or in my home.  

I've been blogging in some type of capacity since 2010!  Looking back at some of my early posts always causes some cringes, but also pride in how far I've come.  I've gained friends, new skills, and a confidence that goes beyond the kitchen.   I hope you stay a while, and poke around the recipe archives to find something new to try!

And don’t be shy! I love hearing from you, whether you have questions, comments, or simply want to say hi.

