pie round-up!

In preparation of pi(e) day (March 14….3.14 in case you haven’t heard of it!), I thought I’d do a little round-up of all the pies I’ve made here on the blog! Pie is one of my favourite desserts to make, and is so much simpler than people think.
There’s a lot of talk of butter vs lard vs shortening in the pie world, but we aren’t going to talk about that today. Honestly they’re all delicious, and I find a lot of preference comes from what you grew up on. What did your family use? Mine always uses lard, so while I often do use butter, a lard crust tastes like home. I hope there’s a pie here that catches your fancy, and always remember that they are one of the easiest desserts to customize to your own taste!
Mini egg pie! This chocolate mousse pie is so fun for spring, and makes the perfect Easter dessert!
Now, I am so excited to share this post with you all, as it’s been a long time coming. I’ve decided to create one cohesive spot for all my pie dough tips. This will strictly cover the dough creation process…
Hey friends! Here’s another project that stemmed from my bro-in-law being on an elimination diet during the Fall season. (Remember I shared the dairy free pumpkin spice ice cream here). I didn’t want him to be left out on Thanksgiving (us Canadians celebrate in October!), so I started testing out different versions of pumpkin pie.
Hello friends! If you’ve been following me over on instagram, then you may have seen this chocolate pie pop up in a tutorial I did with my friend Kristie from The Sweet and Simple Kitchen. We shared a number of “halfway homemade” recipes that are great when you’re entertaining, hosting for the holidays, or just need to whip up something asap.
Let’s first acknowledge the fact that it is no longer italian plum season. I know this, okay? I made this pie a couple months ago, and it got lost in the chaotic-ness that is my life during the Fall harvest season on our farm. But guess what? If you have frozen plums (kudos to you for thinking ahead!), they work perfectly! And you could also swap in red plums, which I’ve been seeing all over the grocery store in the past couple of weeks. Yay! Pluots would work well with this recipe as well. So many options!
Say hello to your new favourite Summer pie! Peaches and blackberries are a match made in heaven. Sweet peaches are made even better by the pop of flavour that tart blackberries bring (I'm a huge fan of tart things!), and be sure to add a scoop of ice cream on top to really take this pie to the next level.
Now, social media is sometimes the worst....but sometimes it's the absolute best. I had followed Kristie from The Sweet and Simple Kitchen on instagram for a while now, and a couple weeks ago she messaged me asking to have a baking date! It was reminiscent of my very first insta-friend meet-up with my now good friend Amy, minus the sleepover that Amy and I had. Ha!
Hello! Today we have such a wonderful (and maybe unusual?) Summer pie to talk about. If you're unfamiliar with saskatoons, they're kind of like a smaller blueberry, with almost a nutty taste. Hard to describe! But they make amazing pies, even if they are a pain in the butt to pick! Ha! They tend to ripen individually, versus blueberries which often ripen in clusters. Soooo.....when you're picking them for money, the saskatoons are much harder! I was always a terrible berry picker when my family had more berries (we used to grow a ton of raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries), and I didn't even bother to attempt to make money picking saskatoons. Hahaha.
Oh hey there! I'm so excited to be part of a pie party collab again with a bunch of my blogger/instagram friends. There are soooo many incredible pies being posted today....and I can't wait to try out some of their recipes myself!
I just love connecting with like-minded foodies, and this bunch is gold. So much creativity and inspiration here. Also, I know my American friends have Thanksgiving coming up, which is perfect for pies! And everyone else...who really needs an excuse to make pie. Treat yo self.
Oh hi friends! Long time now see. It was a crazy crazy Summer on the farm, hence the lack of blogging. But there was not a lack of baking....so we're going to play catch-up for a while! Starting with this AWARD-WINNING PEACH PIE.
So. A local farm market (Lepp Farm Market...for you Fraser Valley locals!) had a peach pie contest in late August....and I thought to myself "hmm....I should maybe enter that!". So I did. And there were SO MANY PIES!!! 19 to be exact. Those "poor" judges who had to taste them all...Ha! Anyway, I made a peach pie for the first time, added some freshly grated ginger, and won 2nd place. Yahoo! So so excited...hence the cheeky title of this post.
Hey there! Today I am so excited to talk about a little pie collab that I'm doing with a few of my blogger friends! Nate, Erin, Kate, and myself are all sharing our favourite pastry recipes and a berry pie today. Their names link to their blog posts, so please hop on over and give them some love! The internet is so weird, but I love it. And it is the coolest thing ever that I get to connect with and (make friends with!!) incredibly talented people!
Oh hi. Let's talk about pie. Or maybe cake. A pie-cake hybrid? What makes a pie a pie? Or a cake a cake? These are some of life's tough questions.
We've always called this dessert a pie, and it has a crust, soooo....peanut butter pie it is! It's so so easy to whip up, and is so heavenly. I remember requesting it quite a number of times for my birthday, and it is definitely a special occasion dessert. Ha!
Happy pi/pie/3.14 day everyone!
While I truly believe that every day is pie day....I won't say no to celebrating it a little extra today. I'm pretty bummed that our rhubarb is only two inches tall at the moment, so I wasn't able to make my favourite rhubarb pie, but that'll come yet! Other options include: classic apple pie, or the incredibly cute apple hand pies. Or pecan pie, strawberry rhubarb pie, or even cherry pie! And if you're craving something savoury...these mini chicken pot pies should do the trick!
You'll also notice that this pie has a crumb topping. I love the double crust just like any other sane person, but sometimes I just want those crumbs! I feel like this pie is the perfect marriage of your classic apple pie and apple crisp. Also, it's less work than rolling out a top and obsessing about getting your crimps/braids/cut outs just right. That's a win win in my book!
Oh hello Fall! Yes...in my mind Fall has arrived. Ha! What can I say? When you work on an apple and pumpkin farm, it tends to "arrive" a bit early. We've been picking apples since July, and have already harvested a ton of pumpkins to get ready to sell, and I love it.
Fall might just be my favourite season....from crisp, foggy mornings, hot drinks, all of the seasonal fruit that's ready to harvest, and colourful leaves, I love it all.
Oh hello! I do realize that my last post was about rhubarb pie....and well, this post is about strawberry rhubarb pie. Hmm...oops? There are some subtle differences, in fruit ratios and sugar amounts. There are also some not so subtle differences, such as the beautiful pink colour the strawberry lends this version of pie. Seriously it's to die for.
Strawberries and rhubarb are actually a match made in heaven, and whenever I see this flavour combo I instantly want to consume that item. Why is it so delicious?
Oh hi there! Sorry for the unexpected break, but I'm back! (Read about the reason here...in case you missed the last blog post! Hint: I bought my first place!)
Anyway, here is some pie for your viewing pleasure! (And eating pleasure too if you make it......please make it!)
I really really love rhubarb, and I think rhubarb pie might be my favourite type of pie ever. Rhubarb has such a unique, tart flavour, and paired with a flaky crust and a bit of ice cream...you've got yourself the perfect dessert.
Well now....this pecan pie is embarrassingly overdue since I made this pie for pi day. Which was in March. Oops?
At the time, I wanted to try something different than your average fruit pie, and my mom suggested a caramely pecan pie! Now...since I'm new to this whole "liking pie" business (long story...don't judge me), I had never actually tried pecan pie.
Let me tell you, my eyes were opened!
Oh hey there! May I present to you....my very first savoury galette!
I've been seeing dreamy versions of savoury galettes all over pinterest made with roasted butternut squash and bacon, fig and goat cheese, mushroom and leek...the list goes on! I knew I needed this in my life immediately, and after much deliberation over ingredients, I decided to keep it simple. Spinach, sauteed onions, parmesan, and feta. Things that you probably have in your fridge right now!
Now it's been over a month since us Canadians have celebrated Thanksgiving, but that doesn't mean that we can't still eat pumpkin pie...right?
If you're new around here, you'll know that I'm not the biggest fan of pie (I know, I know! I'm a weirdo...haha), but I do love making it for people. I had never tried making a pumpkin pie from scratch, because let's get real, when you can get a huge one from Costco for cheaper than buying the ingredients, why bother making one homemade? ha! Anyway, I decided to try my hand at a classic pumpkin pie, and here it is!
Confession time....I just made my first galette this Summer. Shameful I know! I have no idea why, since they are so ridiculously easy. I love how rustically imperfect they are, so charming!
Galettes have been happening quite a bit in our house lately, and it's usually due to leftover pie dough that needs to be used up! I love how versatile galettes are, as you can toss in almost any fruit, and make your galette whatever size you wish.
What happens when you have just enough pie dough left for half a pie? Well, a pie with a crumb topping! Or possibly a galette...but we'll get to that later. Ha!
There's so much going on in this pie, from the flaky pie crust, to the beautifully blue filling, and delicious crumb topping. So many textures! And you also don't have to fuss with getting a top crust on perfectly. (Although if you're in the mood for something fancy, you can follow this recipe to make a lattice crust for the top!
Now this might just be one of my proudest baking achievements since I conquered macarons a few months ago. Seriously, I still can't believe I made this!
A few weeks ago our family bought a massive amount of cherries from the Okanagan, and the idea of a cherry pie just kept popping up in my mind. I decided to finally make one on a hot and humid Sunday afternoon, and as I was digging around in the cupboard I found a gem of a pie plate, complete with a recipe for a lattice cherry pie on the bottom! Although I didn't follow that recipe at all, it still inspired me to make this pie with a lattice crust.
Today I thought I'd talk about a few creative ways to use up extra pastry you might have lying around after making pie, tarts, turnovers, piroshki, strudel....you get the idea. After making my apple pie, I decided to use up the extra pasty by making little pie pops, as well as pop tarts!
Or, if you want to just straight up make pop tarts or pie pops, here's the recipe for the pastry (although beware, it does make quite a bit of pasty!):
I'm really not sure why it's taken me so long to talk about pie here....especially since I live on an apple and berry farm, and my mom's known as the best pie-maker in town, and we seem to have pie in the house every other week in summer/fall.
It may have something to do with the fact that I don't actually like pie. Ahem, yes you read that right. I'm not a huge fan....and my friends do enjoy teasing me endlessly about it! Because truly, who the heck doesn't like pie? Whatevs.
Anyways, I love making people happy...so if they want pie, I will give them pie!
A pumpkin pie with a bruleed top (aka: caramelized sugar!) and spiced with speculaas.