lavender latte with homemade lavender syrup (with Paderno Kitchenware #ad)


This post is sponsored by Paderno. The opinions on this blog, as always, are my own. You can follow Paderno on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more cooking inspiration. Thank you for supporting the brands that keep me cooking!

I always love hosting people at my place, and being able to make them a fancy coffee is such a treat! Frothing the milk and practicing my latte art is a favourite of mine...and I love how powerful the steam wand on this Paderno 20-Bar Espresso Machine, is! The Espresso Maker also has a warming plate to warm your mug before you pull an espresso shot, and it comes with a high quality tamper as well as a stainless steel milk jug for frothing the milk.

As always, I was inspired by the season for this recipe...spring is second only to fall in my book, and is always a creative time for me. I decided to add a delicate floral note to this simple latte with a touch of soothing lavender. This lavender latte is perfect for those rainy, spring days!

Now, homemade syrups are so simple to whip up. Sugar and water are boiled together, and then flavours can be steeped in the hot liquid to infuse different flavours. I used culinary grade dried lavender for this recipe, and it can usually be found in bulk food stores, specialty kitchen stores, and if you’re lucky...a local lavender farm! You can use a tea ball to steep it in the syrup if you’d like, or simply strain it out once you’re done with it. Adjust the amount of syrup you add to the coffee depending on your taste! I can’t wait to try an iced version of this lavender latte once the weather warms up too.

lavender latte with homemade lavender syrup

Yields: 1 latte


1-2 tablespoon lavender syrup (recipe follows)

2 shots espresso

1 cup (240 ml) milk

optional: dried lavender for garnishing


  1. Add the lavender syrup to a mug, and place the mug on the Paderno 20-Bar Espresso Machine warming plate to warm before pulling the espresso shots.

  2. Grind the coffee beans, load the portafilter (I used 15-16g of ground coffee for a double shot) and use the tamper to pack the grounds in.  Lock the portafilter in place in the Paderno 20-Bar Espresso Machine.

  3. Next, place the milk into the Paderno stainless steel jug, position under the steam wand, and froth the milk to about 150 degrees F (I use my hand on the bottom of the jug to tell - when it is nearly too hot to touch, that’s just right).

  4. Now, transfer the warmed mug underneath the locked in portafilter.  Press the double button, and allow to brew (this should take 25-30 seconds when done correctly).  Once the shots are done, carefully pour the frothed milk into the mug.  Garnish with dried lavender if desired. Serve immediately.

Tips for latte art: 

  • Pour the frothed milk from a high height and slow speed at first to get the milk to “dive under” and mix with the espresso.  Then bring the milk jug closer to the mug and increase pouring speed to help the milk stay on the surface. 

  • Practice makes perfect when making latte art!

lavender syrup

1 cup sugar

1 cup water

1 tablespoon culinary grade dried lavender


  1. In a medium saucepan, combine the sugar and water and bring to a boil over high heat.  Boil for 1 minute to dissolve the sugar, then remove from heat.  Add dried lavender while the syrup is still hot, and steep for 5 minutes.  

  2. Strain lavender out and transfer the syrup to an airtight container.  Cool uncovered until syrup reaches room temperature, then place the lid on and transfer to the fridge for storage.

Happy latte making!

